Butte County CaliforniaConsulting Forester/ArboristHOWELL IT ISCalifornia Registered Professional Forester #2500ISA Certified Arborist WE 6478A

Phone—(530) 846-7962




Dan Howell


1232 Lewis Oak Road


Gridley,  CA  95948


(530) 846-7962




Howelling Wolf Puppy

HOWELL IT IS conducts and prepares:

· Oak woodland surveys & mitigation reports

· Arborist (tree value appraisal, hazard, insurance, protection) reports

· Vegetation Surveys

· Environmental analysis — CEQA, NEPA

· Vegetative fuel reduction analysis

· Timber Harvest Plans


Offices in Gridley and Taylorsville, California

1975 Mendocino Hotshots

1975 MENDOCINO HOTSHOTS—-(back, left to right) Morris Moody, Tim Leach, Mike Smith, Ron Labelle, John Thompson, Frank Pendell, Jim Bradford, Brad Lepela, Fuzzy, Dan Howell, Tom Hatcher  (front, left to right) Danny Flores, Archie (Oblio), Russell Blackman, Mike Cooper, Ted Johnson, Gary Banuelos, Bob Moore, Terry Mitchell, Ivan Freeman

Is Your Home Defensible to Wildfire?

HOWELL IT IS provides forest vegetation reduction planning. If you own a home within a forested urban interface it is threatened by wildfire. In some situations it is possible to maintain a forested landscape while providing adequate resistance to wildfire. Wildfire prediction computer models are good tools, but they are not to be relied upon as your best option.


Tree pruning and spacing along with annual maintenance of fallen needles and leaves works wonders. Clean your roof gutters!!


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CEQA/NEPA Documents: What are they and Why Prepare Them?

HOWELL IT IS provides CEQA/NEPA reports as required by California and Federal Law. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) was put into effect by President Richard Nixon in 1970. Governor Ronald Reagan signed the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) soon thereafter. The objective of these laws was to eliminate significant negative environmental impact associated with human projects. NEPA targets activities of public agencies, while CEQA targets private land through the state, county and city permitting processes.

UC BERKELEY FORESTRY 30-YEAR REUNION— (back, from left) Jerry Scheidt, Tom Pehrson, Russ Forsberg, Bill Apger, Robin Filion, Gerard Vick, Mark Hamlin, Bill Tempelis, Ken Kellogg, (second row, from left) Alan Delgado, Tom Amesbury, Dan Howell, Kathy Mullen Forsburg, Paul Huston, John Stewart, Jim Crettol, (third row, from left) Jeff Padgett, Megan Delgado, Scott Anderson, Ed Murphy, Kathie Arnold Barron, Luis Cadiz, Judy Bendix Pehrson, Andy Emery, Mark Woyshner, (front row, from left) Ron Wiegardt, Brad Dorken, Steve Reeves, Cathy Stewart Padgett.

UC Forestry Camp 1976